Chemical Forums
Chemistry Forums for Students => Organic Chemistry Forum => Topic started by: pity.fx on June 03, 2021, 08:49:12 AM
anyway, what's the molar and mass ratio?
THX for your answers
A good place to start is to write the balanced equation.
the balance site says 1:3, but do i need additional components?
Almost certainly yes. If I were doing this reaction, the first thing I would do is to use SciFinder to see how others have done it. There are several considerations: How thermodynamically favorable the reaction is, how fast it is, and are side-reactions possible. To the third point, is there another functional group on citric acid besides the three carboxylic acids that might also react?
Babcock_Hall: genuine question, why couldn't this just be made using a classical Fischer esterification and a LARGE excess of EtOH? The equilibrium could probably be shifted using a Dean Stark apparatus and molecular sieves if that's a problem.
i understand nothing. do i need sulfuric acid (unobtaineable for me) and a destiller (to expensive for me) or is it just "pour liquid on solid and shake well"?
@OP, We can put the question of a side-reaction on the back burner for now. Yes, I think you need a catalyst of some kind, and an acid catalyst is the first thing that comes to mind. What is your intended use of the product?
@Meter, I think that a Fischer esterification would probably work, especially with a large excess of ethanol. The side reaction might not be a significant problem. The existence of the product suggests that the side reaction can be avoided or minimized.
If you look in wikipedia "citric acid" you find some chemistry. There is a tertiary alcohol that gives dehydration essily with strong acid.
Here is a reference to some ester synthesis:
thank's y'all, i only wanted to make food stuff, but it tends to be impossible with my tiny knowledge.
You can buy this ester, not expensive.