Chemical Forums
General Forums => Free Chemistry Advertising, and other links offsite => Topic started by: Med90 on September 22, 2009, 07:57:32 AM
blog related to drug discovery related informations. It's just a start. Any kind of suggestions and comments will be highly appreciated.
can not open the link.
blog has been updated. plz check out for the brief introduction about flash chromatography..
Suggestions and comments are always welcome. ;D
<a href="">Flash Chromatography demonstration</a>
<a href="">NMR tube cleaning</a>
<a href="">CHEMISTRY CAN BE FUN...</a> ;D
<a href="">Safety disposal can</a>
<a href="">how to perform hydrogenation using ballon?</a>
<a href="">Antidiabetic activity of costus plant</a>
for those interested in natural products
<a href="">Thapsin: anticancer agents from dragon blood</a>
As a dual topoisomerase inhibitors
<a href="">Anticancer agents: Selenium and Sulforaphane in BROCCOLI</a>
recently, ritonavir (antiretroviral) has been reported to show anticancer effect. Check out more informations on <a href="">exploration of ritonavir as anticancer agent</a>
<a href="">synthesis of metal-salen complexes bearing Ferrocenophane</a>
<a href="">Aminoglycosides reawaken human theta defensin producing genes</a>
hello everybody,
It has been found that thiophen-oxadiazole is important for HIF-I pathway inhibitory activity. As we know HIF-I has key role in transcription of various genes involved in survival and growth of cancer, the mentioned core be useful in the development of anticancer agents.
If you are interested, please check my blog and I hope to see your view (informations related to HIF pathway and the mentioned compound).
Your view is important ;D
Sorafenib drug used in kidney, liver carcinoma are studied in osteosarcoma. The result is promising. Check out <a href="">STUDY OF SORAFENIB IN OSTEOSARCOMA</a>
<a href="">It is found that the cox-2 inhibitor, rofecoxib</a>is photocyclized to 6-methylsulphonylphenanthro-[9, 10-C] furan-1 (3H)-one
<a href="">recent findings show the promising antiviral activity of silver nanoparticles against HIV-1</a>
Hi everyone,
check out the<a href="">ACS meeting-presentation online (San francisco)</a>...
Feel free to share your opinion.
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