Chemical Forums
Chemistry Forums for Students => Inorganic Chemistry Forum => Topic started by: neepu on October 31, 2010, 10:39:00 PM
Does anybody know the explanation of why Nb has the unusual electronic configuration?
Nb [Kr]5s1 4d4
Why not Nb [Kr]5s2 4d3
Thanks in advance.
There is more repulsion between paired electrons.
@Trave11er : Then why does Zr have [Kr]4d2 5s2?? Why not [Kr]4d3 5s1?? I don't want to get into details (which may not be very convincing), but I do know that Nb is just another exception to the general rule of the thumb. The rule doesn't have to apply everywhere...
Its an exception to the normal filling of electron.
In case of Nb atomic number 41, the above given configuration occurs because:
the energy of 4d and 5s are nearly equivalent( emphasize on the word equivalent)
lets apply the (n+l) rule which gives 4d more energetic and 5s less but due to the diffused activity of 4th shell and d orbital the energy becomes equivalent and the observed electronic config: occurs.
n+l rule for 5s n=5 and l=0( for S orbital) so the value comes 5+0=5
n+l rule for 4d n=5 and d=2 ( for d orbital) so the value comes 4+2=6
5s1,and 4d4 occurs because they are almost same in energy , the experimental results of orbital energy diagram show less difference in energy between 5s and 4d in case of Nb.