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Chemistry Forums for Students => Inorganic Chemistry Forum => Topic started by: jgomez9 on April 21, 2011, 04:38:39 AM

Title: balancing a coordination equation
Post by: jgomez9 on April 21, 2011, 04:38:39 AM
I can get everything to balance except that having H2O2 on one side and H2O on the other keeps throwing me off. Normally that is not as much of a problem, but this is such a big equation I am not sure what I am missing. Please help. Thanks
Before I balanced anything:
Co(NO3)2 + NH3 + (NH4)2CO3 + H2O2 = [Co(NH3)4CO3]NO3 + NH4NO3 + H2O

I would normally try to break into half reactions and then balance, but I cant see the half reactions with this one
I have brought it all the way to
10Co(NO3)2 + 26NH3 + 10(NH4)2CO3 + H2O2 = 8[Co(NH3)4CO3]NO3 + 10NH4NO3 + H2O
but the H and O are still off
Title: Re: balancing a coordination equation
Post by: AWK on April 21, 2011, 06:06:59 AM
 Oxidize first Co2+ to Co3+ with H2O2 with forming Co(NO3)2OH -this is a redox reaction
then react Co(NO3)2OH with (NH4)2CO3 to form CoCO3NO3 - this will be exchange reaction
and finally form complex with ammonia
The result should be:
2CO(NO3)2 + H2O2 + 2(NH4)2CO3 + 6NH3 on the left side

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