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Specialty Chemistry Forums => Other Sciences Question Forum => Topic started by: zuriel on January 19, 2013, 11:08:28 AM

Title: Can anyone recommend any good free chemical drawing software for mac?
Post by: zuriel on January 19, 2013, 11:08:28 AM
The title says it all!

I already have ChemDraw ultra but I'm interested in other free, light software that will just do the essentials - draw molecules, mechanisms etc. If anyone can suggest any I'd be more than happy.

I know MarvinSketch has some free, java based program like the drawing tool it has in Reaxys but I failed to install it on my iMac.
Title: Re: Can anyone recommend any good free chemical drawing software for mac?
Post by: Raphael on January 19, 2013, 11:22:41 AM
I can't recommend a free one since I never found a free one for my mac that really worked well. But I can recommend a decently priced one that gets the job done is chemdoodle there is also chemsketch that a lot of my windows using friends use. not sure it works for mac since I heard about it after I got chemdoodle.

If you find something free that you like let me know