High School Chemistry Forum / Extracting Ethanol From Beer.
« Last post by jabbay on November 11, 2024, 04:26:34 PM »As a sideproject to another project on yeast viability in beer brewing me and my friend intend to extract ethanol from the beer as it is unable to be consumed due to the location it has been brewed and school policies etc.We were just wondering if any had any ideas on how best to go about this.So far we have used a basic distilation setup in order to extract the ethanol with varying levels of success.However this method isn't very scientifically viable as we keep running into the issue of not being able to get the beer to the right temperature without it either bumping or not getting hot enough to evaporate the ethanol.We do not currently have access to a fractional distilation collumn but are looking into investing in one through the schools chemistry budget.A water bath was also attempted to be used to head the liquid more reliably, however the equipment in the school labs is not precise enough to heat the beer well enough to evaporate the ethanol reliable.