Hello all,
I'm an electrical engineering student doing chemistry so please be too harsh
I'm trying to follow this paper
https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2014/ra/c4ra00874j on hydrogen peroxide fuel cell. In the paper, the authors used linear potential sweep voltammetry to get the Current-potential and current-power curve of the cell.
My questions are:
1) Why use potential sweep on the electrodes instead of measuring the potential and current directly with a multi-meter? My understanding of voltammetry is the sweep potential causes redox reactions at the cathode and the surface activities of the cathode "alone" can be characterized, but now there is a anode (cathode-anode pair).
2) For the apparatus, is the anode acting as the counter electrode and the cathode acting as the working electrode? I guess is yes...
I apologize in advance if the questions are very basic.
Thank you!!