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Topic: Chemistry Project Idea Feedback  (Read 5423 times)

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Offline Opinionated_Potato

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Chemistry Project Idea Feedback
« on: December 15, 2019, 07:42:04 PM »
For my chemistry class, we need to perform an experiment we designed ourselves for our final project. I want to test buffer capacity of a partial neutralization buffer in relation to increased concentration of the acid in the buffer. I am hoping to model ocean acidification and how that changes the buffer capacity of seawater. Due to the extremely limited chemicals we have access to, I've landed on using 0.25M NaOH and varying concentrations of Acetic Acid to make the buffer. I then plan on adding 10 mL of 0.1M HCl and measuring the changes in pH.

Can anyone tell me if this will even work or not? Or are there any ways to improve the experiment design? My teacher hasn't given us much feedback and most resources about buffers don't mention partial neutralization buffers. Thanks in advance!

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