January 15, 2025, 10:42:00 AM
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Topic: Expression and graphical representation of a function of distribution of RT  (Read 1022 times)

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I have been reading on the subject of nonideal reactors and I wanted to ask, does the expression and graphic representation of the function of distribution of residence time change depending on if you put a cstr or a pfr first?

I assumed a fictitious signal in the form of a pulse for a tracer that I hipothetically inject at the entrance of the first of the reactors.

I am sincerely curious on this matter and donĀ“t seem to get how does it matter, but I know it matters because I have seen it experimentally.

If you could give me any links or explanations that explain how nonideal reactors in series CSTR and pfr interact I would be grateful (CSTR followed by a PFR and PFR followed by a cstr)

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This isn't easy to answer without knowing (1) your background and (2) if this is a lab or industrial process, (3) the details of the reaction.  So I'm going to refer you to the typical textbook we chemical engineers use for our Jr/Sr level undergrad reactor design course, "Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering" by Scott Folger.  RTD's of PFR's and CSTR's for various types of reactions and temperature dependence of are covered in that text/course.

If you need a copy, I'm sure you can find one on the internet.  If you're not a chemical engineer / chemical engineering student, this might be outside your area of expertise. 

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