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Topic: making crystal ice shards  (Read 1347 times)

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making crystal ice shards
« on: January 09, 2020, 07:14:06 PM »
I'm not a chemist by any means but I do love learning  and chemistry fascinates me. I'm disabled and I'm home all the time, so I read a lot. My wife has been motivating me to do things,  and we did an experiment recently with our 7th grade son, where we took the freebase form of Propylhexedrine and we turned it into a salt. We used Benzedrex as our source for Propylhexedrine, we found a tek that removes the two other ingredientss in it and transforms it to a salt. When we finished my son was a little disappointed and made mention that he was hoping that it would look "cooler" than it does.

Of course I told him that we could play some more with it and make very large and beautiful crystal shards, (open mouth, insert foot) so I grabbed a bottle of Isopropyl and did my thing, but the experiment failed. Obviously isopropyl is the wrong solvent to use with Propylhexedrine.

My chemistry knowledge is about one year ahead of my sons. So I know enough to get into trouble. I do understand that recrystallization involves precipitating a substance in a solvent that it's soluble in at a current temp, but less soluble at a lower or higher temp.

Which is how my question comes to be, does anyone have a suggestion for a better/proper solvent to use for this experiment?
Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to offer.

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Re: making crystal ice shards
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2020, 02:50:39 AM »
Under no circumstances experiment with propylhexedrine - too dangerous.

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Re: making crystal ice shards
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2020, 03:09:07 AM »
Please read the forum rules. We don't discuss drugs here and this is way too close to them.

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