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Topic: Levothyroxine  (Read 1112 times)

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« on: March 22, 2020, 11:36:53 AM »
Hello there! My name is Robert and to be perfectly honest I don't know much about chemistry. In fact, I only took one semester of it in college I am an engineer myself but I digress. I am trying to figure out a problem I have. I want to learn how to make my own medication. When I was young I had my thyroid removed and now I depend on a medication called levothroxine to stay alive. To keep this short: I want to learn how to make this medication myself, and I was hoping someone here might be able to help me get started. Either by informing me of what literature I would need to read or perhaps pointing me in the right direction in terms of who to talk to.

In my fanciful imagination there exists a world where I keep components: x, y and z required to make levothyroxine in bulk in storage and can simply whip up a batch whenever I need one. Am I crazy or is this idea not so insane as it sounds?

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Re: Levothyroxine
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2020, 03:29:25 PM »
Sorry, per forum rules we don't help in self medication.

Topic locked.

Short answer: no, it is not as simple as mixing things, and no, you won't be able to control quality (pharma has these fancy multimilion dollar analytical labs for a purpose) so you risk poisoning/killing yourself.
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