My teacher has taken household sanitizer ingredients from products to teach us about the safety of chemicals. A guy put rubbing alcohol mixed with bleach thinking he was making a super cleaner. We have to determine if it will react, or not. And then we have to balance the equation if it's wrong.
I am stuck on a couple. They seem like they would be incompatible to react, which makes them miscible, right?
1. Is this stable? Or will it react with each other and form new compounds
C3H6O3 + C6H8O7 + Na2S2O4 + C27H42ClNO2 + H2O
2. If the above compound is stable and does not react, what ratio of compounds would be safe to mix.
1:125 C3H6O3
6:1000 C6H8O7
3:1000 Na2S2O4
1:500 C27H42ClNO2
49:50 H2O
Are these reactions? If yes, what are the products. Does an inhibitor exist to stop chemicals from reacting. (Bonus points if I list one that he doesn't have)
1. C6Hgl2NO + C27H42ClNO2
2. H202 + C3H6O3 (this should break hydrogen peroxide, but what does it break it down to?)
3. C3H6O3 + C6H8O7 + H2O2
I can't seem to find these answers. I don't know if I just am not looking hard enough. Or if I'm even using the right words. These questions can also be false.
1. How do you decompose (breakdown) an acid without using an acid, or heat?
2. In the above, if true, what chemical can you have an acid in that won't decompose in the liquid itself, only when it oxidizes in air.
3. How do you decompose NaCl with a chemical?