That's how I view it.
So do I. Landau & Lifshitz too, if I read them properly.
The next refinement step is to consider not only the degeneracy of the states, but also their proximity, in terms of the observed quantity, for instance the density, the temperature...
All states being equally probable, and measurements being allowed some tolerance, the most likely measure outcome is the one that packs more states within the tolerance.
Side note: entropy drives the equilibrium where only heat gets exchanged. If reactions can happen too, G and µ tell what equilibrium is.
Other side note: when speaking about states, we're dealing about the
microscopic entropy. It is not dQ/T. S is good enough when building engines, where essentially heat and work move. The microscopic entropy differs, for instance it is not extensive nor intensive, as its value per mol increases with the amounts. The microscopic entropy reflects for instance that mixing deuterium and protium is irreversible, while no dQ is exchanged.