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Topic: Leaching of soybean oil from flaked soybeans with hexane  (Read 1062 times)

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Leaching of soybean oil from flaked soybeans with hexane
« on: June 08, 2020, 10:33:39 AM »
Hey guys, can you help me with this question:

In a single-stage of leaching of soybean oil from flaked soybeans with hexane, soybeans containing 15 wt % oil are leached with 25 kg of fresh hexane solvent. At equilibrium, the value of N (kg solid/kg solution) for the slurry underflow is essentially constant at 1.5 kg insoluble solid/kg solution retained. If the underflow contains 2.5 % oil on a solvent free basis. Calculate the following:

I have 36kg for the feed but how much is the underflow and overflow?

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