My chemistry is a bit rusty, so I'd like to see if I can get confirmation of a calculation.
I'm trying to figure out the number of ethane molecules in a molecule of ethylene glycol.
Here's what I've looked at so far:
ethylene glycol = ethylene oxide + water
2 ethylene oxide = 2 ethylene + oxygen
2 CH2CH2O = 2 CH2CH2 + O2
2 ethylene glycol = 2 ethylene + oxygen + 2 water
2 OHCH2CH2OH = 2 CH2CH2 + 02 + 2 H20
I'm not sure about the process of converting ethane to ethylene. If the process uses one ethane molecule to make one ethylene molecule, then I get a 1:1 ratio of ethane molecules to ethylene glycol molecules. Is that correct?
Thanks much!