December 03, 2024, 12:44:58 PM
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Offline Miamiguy79

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Hello to all,

I am hope everyone is keeping safe during these difficult times and wish you the best in the days to come. I am currently investigating what is the best agent in terms of safety and efficacy in order to present a project for a covid19 disinfecting tunnel. My question to you guys is as follows: Is there any disinfecting agent(s), or combination thereof, that is safe on humans to use in a chamber/tunnel setting where fully dressed humans (Doctors, Offficers, Inmmates, etc) walk through and get "nebullized" with said agent(s)

I really appreciate any input and leads on this issue!

Offline Enthalpy

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I don't have any idea for that. Even soap is harmful (in the eyes) and you don't want it on clothes. In a tunnel, the human would also inhale the disinfectant.

What you need looks more like an antiseptic or an antibiotic than a disinfectant, and worse, for a virus rather than for a microbe. Badly difficult.

The least bad idea from me: separate the human from his clothes. Sterilize or disinfect the clothes for later reuse, give a new set. Let the human wash himself with known liquid antiseptic, like the ones used before surgery.

Offline billnotgatez

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Offline Enthalpy

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Things I dislike about UV:
Clothes change their shape. Some parts that were exposed to virus may sink in folds when you irradiate them.
Droplets loaded with virus sink in the depth of clothes. How to guarantee that UV light reaches them?
Virus and humans are essentially the same material. UV dose that safely kills virus won't safely spare humans.

Things I dislike about the present attempt:
The wording is obviously from a patent application. Though, a patent must describe a solution, not a task. It must also belong to the real inventor(s).
Though, a tunnel it not an invention. The compound used to kill the virus but spare the human would be the invention. This is the part missing in human knowledge.
So "I thought of a tunnel, but what compound?" fails to be an invention, and an (extremely improbable) solution fails to belong to the inventor.

Offline Enthalpy

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Despite their innate flaws, "disinfection tunnels" are being developed and marketed in many locations. Starting as wishful thinking backed by insufficient knowledge, the attempt is becoming a dangerous scam.

One attempt makes a fog loaded with silver and claims "fully innocuous for humans". The person shall immerse fully in the fog, with a face mask, oh good. No word about the eyes, the leaks in the mask, and so on. Ah, and the solution is colourless.

An other attempt claims a fog of "hydrogenated water", figure that. Hydrogen peroxide maybe?
The customer passes though the tunnel with a shopping cart, and this is safe "because the fog stops at 1.10m above ground". Mamma mia!

I hope all this madness will stop or be forbidden before the first children and pets die from it.

Or maybe the money lost at discoloured clothes and rusted shopping carts will succeed in stopping the madness where common sense and certification fail?

Offline billnotgatez

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I hope all this madness will stop or be forbidden before the first children and pets die from it.

I am on your side

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