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Topic: Br2 Reaction where reaction energy = bond strength of the Br–Br bond?  (Read 968 times)

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Offline uvahoos24

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Hi! In a general chemistry class and have been asked to prepare two equations before class:

A chemical reaction involving the Br2 molecule where the reaction energy is equal to the bond strength of the Br–Br bond


a chemical reaction involving the HBr molecule where the reaction energy is equal to the bond strength of the H–Br bond.

The only information given was the experimental and predicted bond lengths and the equation for reaction energy (final-initial energies). Any help with the process for determining an applicable reaction would be helpful!

Offline Enthalpy

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Re: Br2 Reaction where reaction energy = bond strength of the Br–Br bond?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2020, 11:47:03 AM »
Depending on the accepted inaccuracy on the energy, I see only the atomisations of Br2 and of HBr. Mind the signs. I can't tell if this is called a "chemical reaction".

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