I'm working through some organic chem homework and am struggling with a couple of questions, hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
Qn 1: Which of the following reactants and conditions would result in
maximum formation of butyl propanoate?
a. butyl chloride, propanol, heat
b. propyl chloride, butanol, heat
c. propanoyl chloride, butanol, heat
d. propanoyl chloride, butanoyl chloride, heat
e. butane, propanoyl chloride, heat
propanoate is an ester - so I'm guessing that the answer will include an alcohol, heat as a catalyst - but I'm unsure of the reasoning.
Qn 2: Which of the following would be acidic in aqueous solution?
propanoic acid
sodium propanoate
(I couldn't figure out how to insert an image of the structures, apologies)
a. All will be acidic in aqueous solution.
b. propanoic acid, 1-propylamine, 1-propanol
c. propanoic acid only.
d. propanoic acid and 1-propanol
e. propanoic acid, sodium propanoate, 1-propylamine
My instinct is to say 'd.' propanoic acid and 1-propanol because the alcohol's H could interact with the aqueous solution - but am uncertain, would very much appreciate an explanation
Thanks in advance