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Topic: Furniture Resins  (Read 2118 times)

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Furniture Resins
« on: December 01, 2020, 01:11:26 PM »

I am interested in starting a new business venture involving taking hemp and molding it into lightweight furniture. I first thought of the idea after learning of a man in Spain who took unwanted almond and walnut shells, pulverized them and mixed them with something to hold their shape. I would like to try something similar with hemp.

What I lack is the knowledge of specific resins or solutions I can use to solidify the hemp into a finished product. I would like to know what chemicals can allow the hemp to hold a shape.

If such resins exist, I believe this venture could revolutionize the furniture industry. With the rising cost of wood due to the massive forest fires around the world we need a viable alternative and hemp is also not only fast growing but also has a multitude of other benefits to farmers and the environment.


Offline biofm

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Re: Furniture Resins
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2020, 11:50:06 AM »
Have you though about epoxies.
Also, you hemp raw material material may need some surface functionalization to facilitate strong bonding. I think you can use some ionic liquids to that.
Interesting, game-changing, & sustainable idea indeed!

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