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Topic: Can we know if it is dangerous to mix two known elements ?  (Read 1178 times)

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Offline psoke

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Can we know if it is dangerous to mix two known elements ?
« on: November 30, 2020, 12:31:25 AM »
hey guys im new here i really want to know asnwer of this question.  i mean can i know if mix two elements and what wpuld happen ? for example i dont i want any bang or flash in front of me so  is there a way of knowing what would happen if i mix two or more  elements together ? please help.

EDIT : by mixing imean combination, decomposition, single replacement, double-replacement, and combustion
« Last Edit: November 30, 2020, 12:42:02 AM by psoke »

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Re: Can we know if it is dangerous to mix two known elements ?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2020, 03:35:39 AM »
First, read the Forum rules.

Much of the material in inorganic chemistry textbooks deals with this. Also there you will find under what conditions such reactions take place.

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Re: Can we know if it is dangerous to mix two known elements ?
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2020, 03:54:36 AM »
Broadly speaking: that's what chemistry is about, so yes, we know. But it is not something that can be explained in a single post. Getting a chemistry degree takes years for a reason, you need to learn many concepts to be able to predict what to expect.

The best course of action is to start with a decent general chemistry book, one that has not only general section, but also a part on inorganic chemistry.
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Offline psoke

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Re: Can we know if it is dangerous to mix two known elements ?
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2020, 02:31:50 PM »
First, read the Forum rules.

Much of the material in inorganic chemistry textbooks deals with this. Also there you will find under what conditions such reactions take place.
Broadly speaking: that's what chemistry is about, so yes, we know. But it is not something that can be explained in a single post. Getting a chemistry degree takes years for a reason, you need to learn many concepts to be able to predict what to expect.

The best course of action is to start with a decent general chemistry book, one that has not only general section, but also a part on inorganic chemistry.

guys thanks for answers  can you guys give me a good book for that

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