Not sure if this is against the rules(This is for my IB IA), since it seems to just not allow asking for ideas, but my idea was to calculate the Intermolecular forces strengths, and then compare that to the boiling point after being dissolved in water. I found some equations for these here: that seems to use distance a lot, so now I'm worried that distance will be hard to calculate. I'm thinking about using the Weigner-Sitz Radius estimation, and that uses particle density, which should just be concentration, so I should be able to calculate it like that, but the thing is will distance be impacted by other variables like temperature? I was planning to just calculate the force strengths at STP, and then doing my experiment from room temperature to the boiling point as it'll be hard to get to STP at home. Will this change the results? Also is this an overused/simple/a bad idea for a topic, since I'm pretty sure the magnitude of the forces will just be the magnitude of the temperature increase, if you get what I mean.
Sorry for the amount of questions, but my original idea of sound(decibels/hz) impacting rate of reaction didn't seem too plausible, so I'm frantically looking for a better idea, but if my idea for sound does work, I could try that too, since it definitely is a unique idea.