March 06, 2025, 11:57:15 PM
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Topic: Determining standard enthalpy of formation / combustion from standard internal e  (Read 1657 times)

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Offline zeetya

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I'm given a standard specific internal energy of combustion of fullerene as -36kJ/g at 25°C, how do I find standard enthalpy of formation and combustion of fullerene? Thank you!

I have tried using ΔU = ΔH + PV to determine the enthalpy but I'm unsure as to how to determine P (which I assume is 1atm) and especially V. Should I express the reaction as C60 + 60O2 --> 60CO2 or as C + O2 --> CO2?

Offline Borek

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standard specific internal energy of combustion

I don't think I have ever heard such a term.
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Offline zeetya

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standard specific internal energy of combustion

I don't think I have ever heard such a term.

I suppose it's just internal energy measured against mass at standard conditions, it says 25C but i thought standard conditions was 0C but i think the question means stay at 25C.

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