December 22, 2024, 02:19:29 AM
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Topic: question on some buttons on ' Posting reply' or 'Start new topic' page  (Read 5647 times)

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Offline Win,odd Dhamnekar

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   I don't know how and when to use flash, FTP link and Tt while starting new topic and/or posting a reply to any member's answer.

  I also want to know can i insert video link in my messages? If yes, how i can do it?
Any science consists of the following process.
 1) See 2) Hear 3) Smell if needed 4) Taste if needed
5) Think 6) Understand 7) Inference 8) take decision [Believe or disbelieve, useful or useless, healthy or unhealthy, cause or effect, favorable or unfavorable, practical or theoretical, practically possible or practically impossible, true or false or  any other required criteria]

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