Answer to b)
C° of C
8= C
8 + 5O
2 + 4H
2O ΔH=-2219 kJ mol
-1 at 25°C
[itex] \frac{14000000 kJ}{2219 kJ}=6309.15[/itex] moles of C
8 are required.
Mass of 6309.15 moles of LPG = 278214.51 g.
Given, Density of LPG =0.5318 kg L
-1,volume of LPG required in liters = 523.2 liters of LPG = 138.21 U.S.gallons are required to keep warm the small house.
Answer to c) 16000 moles of CO
2 will be produced in the combustion reaction of CH
4 , the mass of which would be 16000 moles * 44.009 g mol
-1of CO
2= 700 kg of CO
2Answer to d) 32000 moles of H
2O will be produced in the reaction of combustion of CH
4, the mass of which would be 32000 moles * 18.015 g mol
-1 of H
2O = 580 kg of H
Answer to e) Average molar mass of dry air is 28.97 g/mol. The mass of Oxygen containing in one mole of dry air is 0.23 * 28.97 g =6.6631 grams. Combustion of 16000 moles of CH
4 requires 32000 moles of O
2, the mass of which is 32000 moles * 31.998 g /mol = 1023936 grams.
One mole of dry air contains 6.6631 g of oxygen, so [itex]\frac{1023936 grams}{6.6631 grams} = 153672.6148[/itex] moles of dry air is required, the mass of which is 4451895.65218 grams.
The density of air is 1.22 g/L , so[itex]\frac{4451895.65218 grams}{1.22 grams} = 3650000[/itex] liters of dry air is necessary to keep small house warm.
Answer to f) As electricity is 100% efficient , 3500 kWh of electricity is required to keep small house warm.
Answer to g) As efficiency in the production and distribution of electricity produced in coal-fired power plant is 40%, we need 3500 kWh /0.4 = 8750 kWh of heat to keep small house warm. 8750 kwh × [itex] \frac{0.45359237 kg}{1 lb} \times \frac{1 lb}{2.26 kwh}= 1760 kg[/itex]