Unless you are dead set on becoming a professor one day, I would recommend an industry position, for which you will be valued more, salary wise and in terms of career progression, and likely a better work to life balance. I worked in the UK and found it much easier to find a job than in Canada where I now work. The job market in Canada is smaller than the US. Salary wise you will be paid the most in the US, then Canada, then UK. Can't speak much to the rest of Europe, although I am now interviewing for a job in Switzerland where the proposed salary is much higher, around 140k swiss francs (150k USD), which is similar to the salary you would look at in the US, but likely higher than most of the rest of Europe. This would be for a managerial role, likely for 5 years industry experience. I started on 85k CAD post PhD and now on 104k CAD after three years. The average postdoc in Canada earns about 45k CAD and will likely make close to that amount for much longer than three years before you will be lucky to find a lectureship.