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Topic: Dilution problem for investigation.  (Read 1461 times)

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Dilution problem for investigation.
« on: November 09, 2021, 05:02:10 PM »
So I'm conducting an investigation to see the affect on the rate of reaction between reacting different concentrations of Hydrochloric acid and Sodium Carbonate (anhydrous).

I was given a 1 molar solution of HCl to start with and I will have to dilute it to lower concentrations for this investigation.

This is where I got stuck: I tried using the formulas:
concentration = moles/volume


molarity = moles/liter.

I have no idea how. Could anyone please shed light on this? It would be highly appreciated.

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Re: Dilution problem for investigation.
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2021, 04:53:59 PM »
So for a dilution, you want to use the dilution formula as shown below.


C1 is the initial concentration
V1 is the initial volume
C2 is the desired concentration or final concentration
V2 is the final volume needed to reach C2

So in your scenario, the 1 molar solution of HCl is your C1. Your initial volume is how much of the HCl is going to be used. C2 is the final concentration you want. Then you substitute the values into the equation and solve for V2, which is now the total volume needed to get to a concentration of C2.

Now to find how much water is needed to dilute HCl, you just do V2 - V1. That would give you the amount of water needed to reach C2 from the original volume.

Hope that helps.
Please correct me if I have done anything wrong.

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Re: Dilution problem for investigation.
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2021, 04:44:01 AM »
This is basically mass conservation: whatever you put in the solution, stays there.
Chembuddy chemical calculators - stoichiometry, pH, concentration, buffer preparation,

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