Sorry, i'm new to doing chemical reactions in the lab format. Can someone please explain this calculation? Not sure how much to add of each to reach the equivalents provided. Can someone please run me through this at a ground level so i could do this reaction in lab? Thanks!"To a solution of epoxide with 10 carbon tails (C10) (1,2-epoxydodecane; Sigma-Aldrich), piperazine- and piperidine-containing amines were added at a ratio of 1.2*N:1 epoxide/amine, where N is the number of secondary amine*1 + number of primary amine*2. For example, to synthesize 246C10, to a 5-ml vial, 1 ml of epoxide (4.65 mmol, 4.8 equivalents) was added and 200 μl of amine (0.97 mmol, 1 equivalent) was added dropwise."