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Topic: A liquid that burns blue smoke?  (Read 17663 times)

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A liquid that burns blue smoke?
« on: January 19, 2006, 11:37:28 PM »
I am a youngn' with an urge to find something.  The situation is that I have a set of tires that are almost bald, and I love my hot rod Crown the end this leads to me eventually performing a full on massive tire smoke burnout.  Yeah I guess that could make me a huligan (sp) or something, but I am going to perform this event on property and will have some people video taping....anyways.

I have a windshield wash nozel poiting on my rear tires.  My question is, is there a liquid that when it gets burned that it releases blue smoke?  Things that I want to make sure are that, one it's not going to be extremely flamable, two that the fumes will not kill me or the bystanders, and 3 how hard is it to get or make?

I appreciat any *delete me*  And if I can get the blue smoke I will post a link to the video once I get it done.  

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Re:A liquid that burns blue smoke?
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2006, 12:16:30 AM »
I don't know of a liquid that gives off blue smoke. Maybe you could pump smoke machine fluid onto the tires and if they are hot enough then you will get a lot of smoke/fog (maybe). Then maybe you could either add a blue dye to the tyre, or to the fluid for the colour. maybe you could put the dye on the ground where you will do the burnouts(?).

You could check out pyrotechnic flares/smoke bombs and see if you could use them although it sounds like you want to generate the blue smoke purely from the car.
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Re:A liquid that burns blue smoke?
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2006, 06:50:42 AM »
Yes, I would like to have the smake be generated from the heat on the tires.  This way it can look like the tire is burning blue smoke.

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Re:A liquid that burns blue smoke?
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2006, 04:35:41 PM »;action=display;threadid=3158

That's a link to a previous thread about smoke grenades. Read it. Also smoke is just particles. You could always get a blue solid and put it on your tires. Blue chalk maybe? I don't know how well this would work though. The blue solid should form a powder with the spinning off the tires. The heat would also help it to "powderize" probably.
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Re: A liquid that burns blue smoke?
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2006, 11:45:25 PM »
There is a Patent on a rubber tire composition that emits smoke from the heat of friction I am looking for the papers I have On it, I believe it uses Solvent Powder Dyes as the colorant you could research more info on "Solvent Blue Dyes"

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