I've got a set of spectres of an ester that I need to use to come up with the formula of substance. Here's what I get from that:
IR - we've got a strong signal at 1736cm-1 which comes from C=O and at 3451cm-1 which could be either N-H or O-H
Mass - 45m/'z, 100% - I guess it's OC2H5, 103 could be the molecular mass; then the acid part must be a glycine
so we've got a possible
glycine ethyl esterNMR - I'm no good at those, but signals at:
4,2ppm - can be CH2 from ethyl group
1,4ppm - might come from CH2 group in acid part; but why only two peaks are present
1,3ppm - CH3 from ethyl group, distansed from 4,2ppm signal because influenced by nearby oxygen atom
Here are the spectres:

thanks in advance & sorry for any mistakes in my English