Hello there, I am having some difficulties with galvanic cells and am beginning to become confused. Can somebody look over what I have done and notify me if I am doing this correct.
This is what I have, If you were to make a Zn-Cu cell, Zn would be the anode and Cu would be the cathode.
The anode reaction would be: Zn --> Zn2+ + 2e-
The cathode reaction would be: Cu2+ + 2e- --> Cu
If you were to make a Zn-Fe cell, the anode would be Zn and the cathode would be Fe.
The anode reaction would be: Zn --> Zn2+ + 2e-
The cathode reaction would be: Fe2+ + 2e- --> Fe
Also, is it possible to use non-metals and their ions as electrodes in galvanic cells?