Hi nan,
there are several methods for doing this titration.
Many are based on the double deprotonation of weak acids (phenylacetic acid, some toluamides...). BuLi or LDA quantitatvely abstract the most acidic proton first; the endpoint is then immediately detected when a small quantity of dianion is formed (because it's coloured - although sometimes it's faint yellow, just the same as your BuLi or LDA).
I tend to prefer a different method (recommended by my supplier of BuLi, by the way). It is also described in many papers, which specifically criticise some aspects of the double deprotonation methods. Unfortunately I don't have the references here: I will briefly describe it for you.
First you need to prepare a 1.0 M solution of sec-butanol in anhydrous toluene.
Then you dissolve, say, 1 mg of 1,1'-dipiridyl in 15 mL diethyl ether at room temperature (under inert and anhydrous conditions of course)
Add your BuLi until you get a stable, red solution.
Add sec-BuOH until the red colour disappears.
Add just enough BuLi to get the red colour back. Remember the intensity of the colour you see at this point, because it will be your endpoint.
Now you can start the actual titration.
Add a measured volume of sec-BuOH solution, then titrate with your BuLi (until you reach the endpoint you previously observed). The molarity of BuLi will be the volume of sec-BuOH divided by the volume of BuLi.
The authors suggest to repeat this three times for better accuracy.
It sounds more complicated than other methods, but note that here you can repeat the titration many times without having to weigh the reagents again and again. You can even titrate several bottles of BuLi, LDA in one flask.