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Topic: The forum policy is not to exchange copyright material.  (Read 9444 times)

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Offline java

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The forum policy is not to exchange copyright material.
« on: March 01, 2007, 05:23:09 PM »
...The forum policy is not to exchange copyright material.

..exactly what does that mean, say I have a folder where I can give a link  to read a particular that exchanging copyright material....also there is s such a thing a fair use ...this was discussed widely at  the Hive and at Sciencemadness and WD and it was established that fair use would constitute not making and monetary gains from the material, but since you generate funds by google and otheres then you nulled the fair use, hence denied members access to fair use of material...perhaps you should re think about using advertising  as your source to maintain the forum expenses....which nowday's is not so much and have a donation from members to defry the cost of running the board.  I enjoy the board but that policy sucks and is of no help to members....I though you should know how one member
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Offline Donaldson Tan

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Re: The forum policy is not to exchange copyright material.
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2007, 09:23:28 PM »
What talking you? The forum policy is not to exchange copyright material, so you should not attach copyrighted documents or post links to copyrighted materials stored on public web space. However, you can post links to protected copyrighted documents.
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Offline java

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Re: The forum policy is not to exchange copyright material.
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2007, 01:22:37 AM »
Is that it.?...what type of answer is that...?  not much thought in your writing either...I also notice very heavy handed moderating  and censoring ..are you in some type of authoritarian voyage....?  Regardless, I know the routine it or leave.....seems that the more things change the more they stay the

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Re: The forum policy is not to exchange copyright material.
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2007, 11:59:20 AM »
My own personal logic is that the primary mission of Chemical Forums is to help educate the chemical youth by helping them answer their homework/lab/lecture questions. Exchanging copyright material for fair-use seems decidedly peripheral to our core mission.
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Offline Bronwen Dekker

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Re: The forum policy is not to exchange copyright material.
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2007, 04:28:55 AM »
There should be policies regarding linking to, and sharing copyrighted material in public forums quite independantly of whether they generate any income from advertising.

The reason for this is that it becomes very easy for somebody using a good search engine to find copyrighted material, collect it together and then make money from this collection. While we may agree to disagree about whether scientists should have to pay at all to view publications (i.e. whether all research results should be open access), I think that we would agree that it is wrong for a third party to collect the copyrighted material and make money from it.

I hope that this is helpful to you in understanding the ethical reasons why the Forum may not wish to support this practice.

I also do not think that it is fair to suggest that the Chemistry Forum should not make money from advertsing. They are providing an excellent service and this costs time and money.
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Offline Donaldson Tan

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Re: The forum policy is not to exchange copyright material.
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2007, 08:42:18 PM »
Java, your connotation of exchanging copyright material via the forum is in direct breach of the copyright law - it is illegal. However, generating funds by Google Adsense not illegal. On what basis is an illegal act comparable to a legal act? 

I also notice very heavy handed moderating  and censoring ..are you in some type of authoritarian voyage....? 

Do you not realise that it is this heavy handed approach that ensures the high quality of information available on this forum? I must remind you that forums such as Hives are responsible for the proliferation of specific information on how to synthesise illegal substances. The lack of moderation in such forums is a real issue, not our heavy-handedness here.
"Say you're in a [chemical] plant and there's a snake on the floor. What are you going to do? Call a consultant? Get a meeting together to talk about which color is the snake? Employees should do one thing: walk over there and you step on the friggin� snake." - Jean-Pierre Garnier, CEO of Glaxosmithkline, June 2006

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