To start I would like to say thank you very much for the reply would very helpfull! sorry ive been a while in my reply giving thanks.
I checked the rules and unless i missed it i believe its OK to post a separate question but an extention of the first in this thread, so hopfully OK to just be added into the same post, don't like posting to many times especially since the questions are so closely related.
OK here is the question
The oxidation of nitrogen in the hot exhaust of jet engines and automobiles occurs by the reaction
2(g) + O
2(g)® NO(g) DHo = +180.6 kJ
Write the balanced equation
Is this an endothermic or an exothermic reaction? Justify your answer
Calculate the energy produced (or absorbed) to form 3 mol of NO.
Calculate the energy produced (or absorbed) to form 2.7 g of NO.
ok to start, when reading it I thought at first was identical to first, but only with a change of formulae this was altered when I saw you need to calculate out how to from rather than reacted (burnt) . I theorised that since its the reverse you would do the reverse.
Balanced its
2 + O
2 = 2NO
Is this an endothermic or an exothermic reaction? Justify your answer
The reaction is endothermic because heat is being taken into the reaction.
Calculate the energy produced (or absorbed) to form 3 mol of NO.
to form 2 mol of NO (2NO) you need +180.6KJ to form 3 you would need half that again, so
180.6 / 2 = 90.3
= 180.6 + 90.3 =270.9KJ
Calculate the energy produced (or absorbed) to form 2.7 g of NO.
NO = (N = 14.01) + (O = 16.0) = 30.1 MM
n = m / mm
n = 2.7/30.1
n = 0.090
180.6 * 0.090 = 16.2KJ of energy needed to form.
So, hopfully did OK