If the method says that you need to isolate the 'sodium salt' first, then it means that the elimination occurs during the workup (most probably, when you add HCl). So, if the authors of the paper are right, you shouldn't expect your stuff to eliminate in basic conditions.
And in fact I remember that classic aldol reactions are more likely to proceed to elimination when they are done with acidic catalysis.
If you're strictly following the procedure, you should get the product. Are you doing exactly what they say, like keeping you stuff cold/warm, for the same time...?
The other possibility is to change the method, i.e. instead of using aq. NaOH, you can try ethanol/n-BuNH2, which is a standard protocol for Henry reaction. But if the authors used this method, there must be a reason, so I would advise you to stick with it and try to understand what you're doing wrong.