Hello everyone, so i got a little problem with someone experiments that we should do.
Here are the questions that I should answer and also what i could answer until now.
1. You have a aqueous solution of sucrose. Prove sucrose in the solution!
2. Make glucose out of sucrose!
3. How would you experimentally prove the chirality of glucose solution?
4. You have a mixture of starch and cellulose. Separate the starch from cellulose!
5. You have a mixture of fat and oil. Separate fat from oil!
Now my answers until now:
1. So, in all substances that contain aldehyde group, the group is free , but in sucrose however the aldehyde group is not free. So if we combine it with Potassium (II) Di chromate, which would by a normal aldehyde group lead to a reaction, in this case there will be no reaction so we have a proof that it is sucrose.
2. So, i think i have solved this one. We put water and combine it with the sucrose. Then we add HCl and heat it a little bit. Then at the end combine it with NaOH and then we can see that the sucrose separated itself, but i cannot really explain why.
The others are a mystery for me.