"first you didn't use the KC Huh why is it given then???"
Actually I did.
c + q
H2O+ q
C8H18 = 0
c = Kc * T = (775 J/K)*(Tf - Ti) k = (775 J/K)* etc...
"water is a product not a reactant Angry how did you put ti=25?? it was not found at all in the begining"
I thought about it for a long time. I figured the initial temperature for the water and bomb calorimeter must be the equilibrium temperature 20.5 Celcius.
"you added 273 in left only??both temperatures must be in the same unit"
I did that because Kc temperature is in kelvin whereas the others are in celcius. I figured I had to add 273 to convert the kelvin to celcius.
"check your teacher for complete solution"
The solution isn't posted. He briefly went over it in class but that day I was late. Besides, I like the explanations I get here.