For question 1, the answer is YELLOW. But I thought that the answer must not be yellow since pH range is 3.1-4.4 (So 3.9 means netural, the colour should be red+yellow=ORANGE, right?)
For question 2, the answer is 5.0. I really don't know why!?
My work:
Turned methyl orange orange to yellow =>pH>4.4
Turned bromothymol blue to yellow =>pH<6.2
Turned bromocresol green to blue =>pH>5.6
Therefore, the pH of the solution must fall bewteen 5.6 and 6.2. I estimate the solution's pH=5.9 (How come the answer is 5.0?)
I don't understand. The answers are from my teacher! I don't know what is answers are all different. Please help me! Thank you very very much!