In the moment I have NOT all relevant Data for your Problem ready, but I’m still able to give you a Lot of Information of similar Compounds and some "
general rules" of UV/Vis in this region.
- A.) As a basic knowledge of UV/Vis it is a "quite general rules", that Lambdamax of the individual Bands are decreasing with increasing Wavelength, at least as long we are not taking about too high resolution spectroscopy (In Solutions?).
This is true with only a few Exceptions in this Wavelength range. - B.) In this very low Wavelength range (around ~200nm) you have to be aware, that you measure not only л -> л* Transitions, you will also recognise different n -> л* Transition of >C=O, -O-, -S-, or isolated >C=C<, and others with very strong Absorptions.
But I have anyway some troubles to believe your Spectra below ~220nm, even if measured in Ethanol, Methanol or Water! (Why?) - C.) You are comparing, at least in my opinion the wrong Chromophores.
As I’m missing the correct spectrum too, I would compare the Chromophore of your Product with “Cinnamic Acid” as one of the most like. To get your preferred Product you “have only to replace” the –OH Group by a Phenyl, what is meaning, that your Spectrum must be a little bit more bathochrome/”red” shifted as the Acid (But not only.)!
I think you now know the cause for!
One with a little “shorter” Chromophor is also “Styrene”, but anyway, both have at least an already larger resulting Chromophore as your “Acetophenone”. - D.) For your measurement technique, there is in my opinion a missing artefact, but about that later.
With all this in mind we may now start our discussion:As your imagination may already tell you,
IT COULD BE a “certain” possibility, that your Spectrum is to believe, but only:
could, as I’m missing the correct data!
By all we are talking, we have to
distinguish between the so called “
E-Band” and the “
B-Band”, indicating, that they are “caused” from the “
Ethylene Part”, or the “
Benzene Part” of the Molecule.
JAFFÉ et all reports for “
Cinnamic Acid” a Lambda
max of ~275nm (
ε ~21’000) in Methanol, for the
E-Band, which in this special case will strongly overlap with its
NIST reports for the same ~266nm (
ε ~200’000; Solvent not known), but it seams, that the
ε is not so really to be believed.
Styrene the Data (from
JAFFÉ et all) are ~248nm (
ε ~14’000) in Methanol for the
E-Band, ~282nm (
ε ~750) for its
B-Band, and for
an other ~291nm (
ε ~500). Remember, we have still to think, that at least in case of
Styrene we have to do some Additions for the larger Conjugation, where I can’t tell you jet, if it will summaries to your observed ~350nm.
On the other hand, you will still be able to “recognise” something from “your” shifted “Acetophenone Part”-Chromophore.
As a conclusion: I cannot find an argument jet, of course ONLY if your “Benzalacetophenone” is of enough purity, which makes me believing to not trust your presented spectrum, -at least not for all Data I have at the moment
You may see, the strong Absorption around ~200nm (Solvent dependent, too!) is not a real Argument against your measurements, even if it may not be so “strong shifted” or of the same Strength as for your Acetophenone!
Try once to ignore this “Peak”, and rescale only the Absorption of your Spectrum!)
Maybe somebody is able to get more exact Data for Benzalacetophenone.
Good Luck!
++P.S.: I’m irritated about your light source, because the Peak near ~200nm seams to me to be toooo weak covered with noise. Were you measuring with a very high filter-constant, maybe?