The best method I know of for determining the concentration of Grignards or organolithium reagents is to titrate using diphenylacetic acid.
Simply, you accurately weigh out the diphenylacetic acid, dissolve in a littlre dry THF or ether, and then titrate with the organometallic. When you add just a tiny bit over one equivalent of organometallic reagent, the solution turns bright yellow. Based on the original amount of diphenylacetic acid and the amount of organometallic solution added, you can easily determine the concentration.
How it works is simple. The base deprotonates the carboxylic acid first (duh). Once all of the carboxylic acid is neutralised, any extra base reacts with the next most acidic protons, which are the protons adjacent to the carbonyl. The carbanion which is formed is intensely yellow.