You solved for n correct.
Yes you either have to convert something, or use the appropriate gas constant.
In this case, you have units of atm, L mol and K, so you could use the gas constant of:
0.08206 L atm mol-1 K-1
If you look in the front cover (or back cover) of your book, you should see a lot of constants, and you should see a couple of versions of the gas constant.
But you should also be adept at converting units, so when it comes to test you can get the correct answer if you only remember the one main version of the gas constant. And yes, all you would have to do with the one you used is convert atm to kPa.
You do not need anybody to tell you if your answer is correct or if you need to convert. Do your units cancel? With how you have it written (and include the units in the gas constant) do all the units cancel and leave you with moles (what is on the other side of the equation)? If the units do not cancel/simplify to be the same on both sides of the equation it is wrong.