Hi, i got a prob to solve this:
A enzyme requires 2 substrates (a saccharide + GDP-fucose).
In order to obtain a Km value the GDP-fucose concentration was varied
and, after incubation for 30 min in presence of enzyme+1 nmol saccaride (volume 10µl) the saccharide substrate + productwere seperated by HLPC following data ware obtained:
PAS 8126222 10468052 7106807 9566786
PAP 162834 273438 206554 306619
GA 0,2 nmol 0,4nmol 0,6nmol 0,8nmol
PAS... PEak area of remaining substrate
PAP... Peak area of product
GA.... GDP-Fucose amount (initial)
now i should calculate the Km value of the enzyme for GDP-Fucose
Hint: calculate the concentration of GDP-fucose + amount in nmol of product (based on the ratio of product/product+substrate multiplied by 1 nmol) Then calculate Substrate + V
Now my prob: i dont how to appraoch to this problem... --> i guess that i have to plot something, but what ? --> and how can i calculate the concentration (hint)?
Thx for help,