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Topic: making sulfuric acid from copper sulfate using Hydrogen gas  (Read 6312 times)

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Offline mnakhla

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ive tried making sulfuric acid by slowly bubbling H2 from a flask of iron and 10M HCL into a container of copper sulfate pentahydrate. Just to push the reaction more infavor of the hydrogen replacing the copper, because i noticed that the diffrence was only a slightly negative Ev, i made a make shift battery from some iron and aluminum solution that i had on the shelf.. and ran the wire through the copper sulfate solution

the electricity running through the wire should not be inhibited because the copper sulfate is a strong electrolyte..

so the question is why does this not work? I know hydrogen can be used to precipitate out other noble metals but .. why is this not working ???

Is it just that i need to increase the surface area of the hydrogen and the copper sulfate by using pourous glass to bubble the hydrogen, by using a saturated or super saturated solution of the copper sulfate, and use a chemicals for the battery to increase the voltage for the battery im using currently is not very high.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2008, 11:41:12 PM by mnakhla »
Im a freak and Im quite fond of it

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