I'm having a quite a lot of difficulty with a problem involving atomic mass. The question is: When a sample of phosphorus burns in air, the compound P4O10 forms. One experiment showed that 0.744g of phosphorus formed 1.704g of P4O10. Use this information to determine the ratio of the atomic masses of phosphorus and oxygen (mass P/mass O) . If the atomic mass of oxygen is assumed to be 16.000u, calculate the atomic mass of phosphorus.
Now at first I tried to come up w/ a proportion where Mass P/16.000u = ?/?. I tried to fill in those question marks by converting .744g and (1.704-.744)g into amu so that it would be Mass P/16.000u = 4.479*1023u/5.7796*1023u. Through this I got Mass P=12.4u which I'm pretty sure is wrong.
Please help me.