Hello, I know that carotene is cleaved at its central 15,15’-double bond to give two retinal molecules and I collected datas on the enzyme “beta-carotene-15,15’-monooxygenase”
I tried to oxidize carrot pulp by chemical ways, using HclO4-, MnO4-, H2O2 and also H2SO4, hoping that a change in carrot juice’s color would attest that carotenoids have been oxidized. The best I obtain was sort of redish color with high concentrations of H2SO4 but…I don't know what I got in my juice.
Is the 15-15 bound the first to be cut by usual oxidants ?
What is the color of retinal that could be obtained ? (I search for spectrum without success)
Could you tell me how i could perform a « visible » oxidation of carotenoids as found in carrot juice or fresh ground pulp ? or what would be the real way to obtain retinal from pure beta carotene by chemical ways ?
Thank you if you can help