December 22, 2024, 04:28:29 PM
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Topic: examples of chemicals that induce mutaitons to fruit flies (d. melanogaster)  (Read 8737 times)

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Offline chard ryan

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i was wondering if you could answer my question since i am a student of biology. my question is what are expamples of the chemicals that induce mutations in d. melanogaster (fruit flies). mutations such as white eyed, ebony body, crumpled wings, vestigial wings, etc.

Offline Yggdrasil

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Wikipedia has a list of chemicals that can be used for mutagenesis.  The list can be found in the link below:

Most commonly, I've seen EMS ( used to induce mutations in Drosophila.  With regards to the phenotypes you listed, most of these mutations, IIRC, were not identified through genetic screens that used chemicals to generate mutations.  Rather, researchers identified these mutant phenotypes by inbreeding flies and generating flies homozygous for naturally occurring mutations.

Offline chard ryan

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thank you

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