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Topic: Electromagnetic Energy  (Read 14383 times)

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Offline autopsy

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Electromagnetic Energy
« on: September 14, 2007, 08:33:17 AM »
Hey all,
       In class we did some experiment in which we took a 370cm rope, with a person on each end. We than swung it like a jump rope which would make a half of a wav, we than counted the frequency, and time, and configured the wave length to be 740cm.  We continued this for 1 wave,1.5 wave, 2 waves and so on with each time the rope having to be swung faster in order to have a larger number of waves. In a post lab question they call our rope a stretched spring.  They are asking, what does the spring have to do with electromagnetic energy? I don't understand how I'm suppose to answer that question.

Also another question.  It reads....
If your diagram represents a wave being generated with a spring like the one used in the experiment, and it took 25 seconds to generate 60 of these wave forms, what is the frequency of the wave? Show calculations.
                         I have no idea how to set this up. But some how in class i guessed that it would be 60/25 = 2.4 hz , but i doubt that is correct as i dont even understand how i came up with that.

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Re: Electromagnetic Energy
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2007, 12:54:19 PM »
Sounds more like physics to me.

Offline autopsy

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Re: Electromagnetic Energy
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2007, 09:17:49 PM »
Well its a chemsitry class, can anyone help me out??

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Re: Electromagnetic Energy
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2007, 11:39:25 AM »
They are asking, what does the spring have to do with electromagnetic energy? I don't understand how I'm suppose to answer that question.

Well, electromagnetic energy travels in waves.

Also another question.  It reads....
If your diagram represents a wave being generated with a spring like the one used in the experiment, and it took 25 seconds to generate 60 of these wave forms, what is the frequency of the wave? Show calculations.
                         I have no idea how to set this up. But some how in class i guessed that it would be 60/25 = 2.4 hz , but i doubt that is correct as i dont even understand how i came up with that.

That looks ok to me.  The frequency of something is how many cycles per second.  So if each cycle generates a waveform, then you had 60 cycles per 25 seconds or 2.4 cycles per second.

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Re: Electromagnetic Energy
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2007, 03:07:16 PM »
Okay. Thank you very much Ygg, I appreciate it.

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