I know CVS sells 4 ounces for $2.50, but does anybody know any brick and mrotar stores that sell it for cheaper?
I want to do the experiment on this page called "Potassium Permanganate + Glycerine":
http://www.tb3.com/pyro/Is this hot enough to weld metal? The reason I am looking into this is because it is a fused reaction (i.e. not instantaneous), so to speak.
If it isn't hot enough, then is this setup safe to weld/burn through thick metal like a pan?:
"Container with aluminum powder and iron oxide at bottom with 1 inch of glycerine on top. Put container on welding spot, then put in potassium permanganate and take cover (15 feet away enough?). The high heat should break through the container and weld the metal beneath."
What's a cheap container that won't explode, but instead break apart at high heat? I'm thinking styrofoam since it is really cheap and breaks apart quickly..
Will glycerine dissolve the aluminum powder or iron oxide? If so, then would this setup work? Does it matter if I add KMnO4 to glycerine rather than the other way around?
"Container one with aluminum powder and iron oxide. Container two with glycerine. Stack container two on top of container one. Add KMNO4. Take cover 15 feet away."
If this sort of discussion is not allowed, then please delete this topic. I read the rules, and this does not produce an explosion, merely a highly exothermic violent reaction.
BTW, anybody know a brick and mortar store that sells aluminum powder and iron oxide (oxidation number of iron doesn't matter) for a good price?
I know that iron oxide is simply rust, but if I scrape rust myself, will it be pure as store-bought iron oxide? Should I just scrape iron rust?