Thank you, but it seems that you are misunderstanding my question.
your Second Q in the first post.
Yes heat is involved in every reaction the only difference is it may be significant or negligible and may evolve heat (Exothermic) or may consume it (Endothermic). The satetment - At equilibrium the temp is constant - is not correct...At a given T equilibirum concentrations ratio (or K - Eqm Constant) is fixed.
I wonder why that statement is not correct.
A + B -> C + D + heat
A reacts with B to form C and D and evolving heat.
C react with D to form A and B along with absorb heat.
At equilibrium, the amount of heat evolved is equal to the amount of heat absorbed, so not heat is evolved anymore. Hence the temperature doesn't change.
What's wrong in my explanation ?
your First Q in the second post.
AWK already gave a good answer and when someone answers out of his busy time...Its your responsibility to understand it....Anyway here is my addition...
K doesn't depend on T only.....Though it is apparently so.....U must have read the Kp & Kc terms which r correlated by equn Kp = Kc * RT (May be wrong I dont remember exactly)..But they are related..
So your Eqm depends on both...This comes from the fact that Pressure do affect the concentration if U consider different kinds of rxn orders.
Even if Rxn is equimolar (when no of moles on both side are same) actual rxn equilibrium still depends on pressure in a plant reactor.., But U can leave it as its a practical part of it.
Actually I don't understand your post and AWK's post.
Here is my question again:
A + B -> C + D
forward speed: k1.[A].[B ]
reverse speed: k2.[C].[D]
equilibrium: k1.[A].[B ] = k2.[C].[D] (*)
According to my understanding, the impact of temperature change and concentration change is:
- If temperature changes, both k1 and k2 change. Thus left-hand side and the right-hand of (*) are no longer equal, causing equilibrium displacement.
- If concentration changes, in A, for example, right side of (*) remain unchanged, but its left side changes since [A] changes. Again the left and the right are not equal, new equilibrium will be established
- If pressure change, neither k1,[A],[B ] nor k2,[C],[D] will change. (*) is still true. But why the old equilibrium is still broken ?
I know that you guys don't like anyone who keep asking such an easy question. But actually I don't understand your answer. Please help me. Thank you