it's kinda hard to explain it without visuals, and the problem is, i don't know how to put up visuals lol
i'm sorry
look at some newman projections or maybe even a saw horse, torsional strain is most at 0 degrees (eclipsed) and least at 60 degrees (gauche)
remember the atoms try to be as far away from each other as possible
just think of molecular structures (ep. linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, etc...)
these structures are created by each atom in the molecule taking the structure that keeps them farthest away from each other as possible, this is the same notion in conformations
now, if you have bigger substituents connected to the carbon (like methyl groups or bigger) van der waals strain comes into effect (steric hindrance)...just think of them getting in the way of each other
lets hope one of the moderators or administrators see this thread, so they could put up visuals cause i don't know how to do it