Dear JCP,
Sorry! – That I used the German Kp instead of Bp for Boiling point!
Initiated by “your” Bp of 164° Celsius I double checked it by NIST (163° +/- 2° Celsius) and by “CemExpert” (162° - 165° Celsius). So my primary Reference must be definitely wrong.
I have now corrected the citation (Thank you.).
The “Ok” tells that your first Reaction is possible as you told, but very “havy” and quite very slow, if not catalysed by a strong acid, as already AWK told too. So this should quite less influence your result as long as you can keep it clean to only two participants and you not attack it for too long at these conditions.
For all other it is really difficult to make any exact forecast, not only because the catalytic influence, also because the pressure that may exist. Additionally I think that there are very few - if, who have done the same experiment till jet.
Good Luck!